Companies and IoT device manufacturers need to demonstrate due diligence has been carried and implement best practice approaches in the assessment of the resilience of their connected products to provide confidence to the end users. Join our cybersecurity essentials launch webinar to get the latest information on:
- Cybersecurity challenges for consumer IoT and retail markets
- Cybersecurity risks and measures including TARA (Threat Assessment & Risk Analysis); architecture and attack surfaces and security counter measures
- Cybersecurity regulations and standards for your IoT products:
- EU Cybersecurity Act I Radio Equipment Directive I ETSI-EN 303 645
- CTIA IoT Cybersecurity I OWASP I Eurosmart IoT Certification
- USA’s California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) I Nevada’s SB220
- UK’s NSCS Code of Conduct
- … etc.
- Bureau Veritas’ IoT Device Cybersecurity Suite of Solutions